A tribute to more than 3,500 years of textile history
For the artist Fernando de Szyszlo, the most prominent contribution made by the Peruvian civilization to world art history is, undoubtedly, the textile work produced approximately between 1400 BC and 1600 AD.
Fernando de Szyszlo Artist
Thanks to their notable dexterity, Andean cultures are known to be one of the most important textile meccas and owners of a legacy that has travelled around the world. Advocated to nurture these textiles, KUNA conceives garments and accessories ready to amaze the world once again following a millenary tradition.
This philosophy is flawlessly reflected in our Milenium collection, which recreates the technical and beauty feats achieved by ancient Peruvian weavers. Mileniumwhich recreates the technical and beauty feats achieved by ancient Peruvian weavers.
As they developed throughout 3,500 years, our ancestors´ contributions are certainly diverse and numerous to name all of them. However, we can have a good idea by highlighting some of the cultures that settled down on the vast Andean territory: Chavín, Paracas, Mochica, Huari, Lambayeque, Nazca, Chimú and Inca. Inspired by those cultures, this collection was conceived as a tribute to our home, the true birthplace of talented textile artisans.
An iconic piece of this collection is a limited-edition textile mural that will be exhibited in the new terminal of the Lima International Airport. Made of fine Royal Alpaca and silk threads, this textile is 1.85 meters wide and 3.66 meters tall and embellished by different hues on both sides. The splendid weave pays homage to complex techniques, patterns and motifs used by the Huari, Lambayeque and Nazca cultures.

The textile mural, designed and weaved in the Incalpaca´s facilities by expert artisans and master craftsmen, features a jacquard design and is part of a legacy that continues to evolve, and Kuna wants to share it with the world.

NAZCA. – Paracas Necrópolis, Horizonte Temprano 10, ca. 700 a 500 a. C.: Diseño antropomorfo alterno con cuatro apéndices terminados en cabezas trofeo. La forma del cuerpo es semejante a un pallar.

KUNA. Feel the Hands of the Andes. kunastores.com
Authors: Andrés Chaves y John Esquivel
Bibliography consulted:
Textiles of the Andes | Catalog of Amano Collection | Selected by Yoshitaro Amano | Edited By Yukihiro Tsunoyama | Publicado por Dohosha
Arte Textil del Perú | Creada y dirigida por José Antonio de Lavalle y José Alejandro González García | Industria Textil Piura.